Ross Weaver

Services & Rates

Individual Speed Training

60 minutes: $55

Customized speed workouts for athletes looking to develop better form, become quicker with their first steps and most importantly, engage the right muscle groups to achieve higher speeds.

Individual Sports Performance Training

60 minutes: $55

Customized individual training for athletes who want to activate their type 2 muscle fibers to the max and elevate their Nervous System coordinated response time. These are technical sessions that challenge the athletes physical and mental capacity while playing their specific position which will result in better eye discipline, technique, and reaction time. 

Group Speed Training

60 minutes: $30

Functional group speed training for athletes. This program will help athletes establish and maintain good speed mechanics when running during their sport. It is a multidirectional movement program that allows the athlete to become faster in all planes of motion

Group Sports Training

60 minutes: $30

Group training for athletes who want to compete and get better with other athletes. This training will challenge your awareness and technique in a group setting which allows for competitive and constructive athletic growth.

Good Ground Bronze Package - 3 sessions

180 minutes: $160

This multi-session package includes 3 sessions to be used at your leisure for sprint training and sports specific training. 

Good Ground Silver Package - 5 sessions

300 minutes: $250

This 5-session package allows the athlete to achieve more stability and explosiveness by progressing through dynamic challenges each session as the athlete's body adapts over time. The athlete will be able to see gains in body control and function during this small program.

Good Ground Gold Package - 10 sessions

600 minutes: $480

This 10-session deal includes initial evaluations, customized programs for your sport, movement analysis and re-testing towards the end of the program.  Having this multi-session package allows both the athlete and trainer to focus on the flaws and turn them into strengths by creating a good foundation and building on it. These sessions can be used at your leisure. 

Good Ground Platinum Package - 12 sessions

720 minutes: $540

The Platinum package ensures that every aspect of your game will be addressed.  Good Ground will be established by the athlete as we evaluate their balance, agility, speed, technique, and more. Upon evaluation, customized programs for the athlete's body and current skills will be created and constantly built upon. Re-evaluation will be assessed towards the end of the program. These sessions can be used at your leisure.